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I usually leave posting to the very, very capable Misa-san, but I thought I'd post a thank-you to her for all her work. She helps me more than she knows, and I'm very thankful for that!

Today, we made books. Well, Misa, myself, and one student made books. It is increasingly difficult to get students together to do anything; they are always so busy :) . Being busy is probably mostly good, but sometimes I wonder if students aren't too busy.

Anyway, the book-making event was quite nice, and we had some left over popcorn that was delicious! Plus donuts! ( Can anything be bad when you have popcorn and donuts??? ) It was fun. And I made a book that I'm proud of. The illustrations were easy, even if the translation wasn't (philosophy is difficult to translate . . . ).

I once saw an NHK documentary about a well-known movie subtitle translator. She said that most people think that a strong knowledge of English is most important for translating movies into Japanese, but that it was wrong. She said that a strong knowledge of Japanese is even more important than knowledge of English. I've come to see that is true. I often understand what is being said in Japanese quite well (and often I don't as well), but I have difficulty putting it into smooth and normal English. My English needs work! Yikes!!!

Well, thanks to everyone who helped with the summer special events; Kiyomi, Misa, and Ami. I want to say a very special thanks to Ami who helped quite a lot with illustrating a book to serve as an example for the book-making event. Thank you, Ami! You are really good at illustration! Jishin mochinasai-yo!!!

It has been a crazy busy summer, but it has been pretty good. Why??? Because I've had the most super helpers in the world!!!

Thank You All!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Brent

Posted by レッドパイン英語教室 And Englishサポートセンター at 01:23│Comments(0)